LogixNG Tutorial - Chapter 9


Sometimes it's useful to use indirect addressing of turnouts, sensors and other things. LogixNG supports indirect addressing of both the name of the turnout, sensor, signal head, ..., and of the expected state, like Thrown or Closed.

References are the name of a local variable, memory or table cell, enclosed in curly brackets. Examples:

{MyLocalVariable}The value of the local variable MyLocalVariable
{My memory}The value of the memory My memory
{My table[North yard:Left turnout]}
{{My other memory}}
{My table[{Yard}:Left turnout]}
{My table[North yard:{Turnout selection}]}
{{TableName}[North yard:Left turnout]}
{{TableName}[{Yard}:{Turnout selection}]}

Local variables are described in Chapter 8 - Local variables.

Tables are described in Chapter 10 - Tables.