By Elmer McKay
   There are different degrees of signal
system complexity for model railroads. The simplest being
a signal that changes colors when a turnout is thrown. The
more complicated are the ones that need a computer to tie
together block occupancy and turnout direction. And there
are signal systems that fall in between. The systems that
utilize a computer are the most realistic, and the most
expensive. If you want to add a signal system controlled
by a computer, your DCC system should be capable of connecting to
the computer also. Some beginner or entry level DCC
systems can not be connected to a computer, but most of the
advanced systems can be. Be sure to check your system
before purchasing parts that you may not be able to use.
   Another consideration of the type of
signal system to choose is your ability to understand electronics
and wiring. Â If you have a problem setting the clock on a
VCR or DVD player, or if you still do not understand your own DCC
system, stay with the simplest type of signal system, one that
does not require a computer. Â
   If you don't know anything about railroad
signals and how they are used, you need to do some research to
find out. Railroad signals are not traffic lights.Â
They came before traffic lights, and the green, yellow, and red
aspects (signal colors) mean different things. Some signal
masts have two signal heads mounted on them. These usually
indicate a diverging route of the track at a turnout.Â
Signaling can be a hobby within a hobby, and to do it right takes
research. The Internet is a valuable resource and you
should take full advantage of it. Different railroads use
different types of signals, so if you are modeling a particular
prototype, you need to know what type of signals they are
using. If your model railroad is freelance, like mine is,
you need to decide what type of signals you want to use, then
find a railroad that uses or used that type and research them and
how the signals operated. is a good place to
start your research.
   The first thing that you need to do when
wanting to set up signals for your layout is have some kind of
"Signal Plan" for your model railroad. You must decide
what you actually want to do. As an example, on mine, I
have the railroad divided into blocks. These blocks are
detected blocks so when a train is in them, a signal is sent to a
computer program. (Block detection can be simplified by
saying it is train detection.)Â Also, when a turnout is
thrown or changes position, a signal is also sent to the computer
program. Then I have signal boards that connect to my
signals and will make the colors of the signals change as these
different things happen. The signals are wired to the
signal boards and are controlled by the computer program.
   The first step in making a signal plan is
to draw a track plan of your model railroad, then decide where
you want to put your signals (as determined by a real
railroad). Next, decide what is going to make the signals
change. Either when a train is in a block, in an OS
section (A block made up of turnouts, referred to as "On
Switch" sections.), or when a turnout changes; or all of them
together. Once you do that, you will have a better idea of
how many signals you will need, how many sensors or controls will
be needed for turnout positions, and how many blocks will be
needed to detect your trains.Â
    As to how long a
block should be, it is up to the person building the layout and
how much track they have on the mainline. The length of
the trains that you run can usually help determine the length of
the blocks. One desire is to be able to fit a complete
train in a passing siding. Another is that the mainline
can be divided up into a number of separate blocks if there is
enough distance from one passing siding to the next. Â Some
people make the length of their blocks one train length long, and
some make them two train lengths long, and some make them shorter
or longer. I run short trains on my layout, 6 to 8 cars
with one locomotive and a caboose. My mainline blocks are
at least one train length long, and usually not longer than two
train lengths.
   At this time it may be a good idea to
decide if you are going to go "whole hog" or do something simpler
with your signal system. An example of a signal plan is
shown below. It shows where the rails are gaped, the
blocks and their ID numbers, the turnouts and their ID numbers,
and the signals with their ID numbers. When developing the
plan, place the signals first according to the signal practices
of the railroad you are modeling. Then you can indicate
the gaps that are required to make it work. The logic that
makes it all work is associated with the computer program that
you choose.
   You should know what position your
turnouts are in also, because this affects the signal aspect or
color. This can be done by wiring the auxiliary switches
on a turnout machine to an input of some type, or some systems
will use the same computer signal that is sent to the DCC turnout
controller when throwing a turnout.
   The signal board takes the computer
signal and makes the signals display the aspects or colors that
the program says they should be. Signal wiring can be
intense. Some systems are modularized to make the wiring
   The computer program controls the
system. It looks at the blocks, if occupied or not; looks
at the position of the turnouts; and looks at any other sensor
indications that are being sent to the computer. The Logic
in the program takes all of these inputs, tests them with the
program logic, and then sends the appropriate commands to the
signal board to light the signals with their proper aspects or
colors. Â The computer panel shown below was designed using
JMRI Panel Pro. Â JMRI also provides the logic for
everything to work. Â When turnouts are thrown, blocks
occupied by a train, and the signals change, the display icons
change to reflect these events. Â This panel is currently
being built and modified as more block detection and signals are
added to the railroad. Â The center window is the most
   There are different manufacturers that
make boards for block detection, turnout control, and signal
display. You will have to choose which ones you want to
use. Here are some web sites out of many available.
   As far as the equipment is concerned,
both the signals and the electronic boards make it all
happen. Once you pick a company for your parts, you should
stay with that company if possible. It will make things
easier as you build your signal system.
   You will also need to select a computer
program to run your signal system. That means that you
will need a computer. As far as programs go, there are
several to choose from, including JMRI PanelPro which is
   I have decided to use Digitrax products
for my signal system. My railroad is 24 foot by 9 foot and
my signal plan called for 32 blocks, 28 to 32 sensed turnouts,
and 43 signals, 12 of which have two signal heads for a total of
55 signal heads. Thus I have decided to use 2 Digitrax
BDL-168's, for a total of 32 detected blocks; one DS64 for 4
turnouts - 2 of which are crossovers that control two turnouts
each; and 3 Digitrax SE8C's, for 24 more turnout controls, 24
sensors (not all being used), and 96 signal heads (not all being
used). (If you want to know more about these Digitrax
boards, you can download all of their instructions from the
Digitrax web site.)Â The Digitrax SE8C is a multiple use
board. One SE8C will control 32 signal heads (different
than 32 signals), 8 Tortoise switch machines, and has 8 inputs
for additional sensors. -OR- The SE8C can be used
to control semaphore type signals that use Tortoise switch
machines to make the signal blades move. There are other
manufacturers that make and sell block detection boards, turnout
decoders, and signal decoder boards for DCC. The choice is
yours, so again, do your research.
   So as you can see by this time, adding
working signals to a model railroad is not cheap, and it is not
simple either; but once built, installed, programmed and
operating, they add some realism that would be hard to