Hardware Support: OpenLCB Signal Masts

JMRI support for OpenLCB is rapidly evolving; the actual code might be ahead or behind the documentation on any given day.

This page describes JMRI's support for OpenLCB-native Signal Masts. It's part of JMRI's documentation of its OpenLCB support.

OpenLCB Signal Masts

There's also a separate technical summary as a PDF document.


Valid OpenLCB Signal Mast system names look like: where the parts are

Adding and Editing OpenLCB Signal Masts

You add and/or edit OpenLCB Signal Masts via the Signal Mast Table using the usual "Add" and "Edit" buttons. For adding, select "OpenLCB Event Mast" as the mast driver type. You'll then get a pane that will let you configure a specific mast:

Starting from the top of the pane, the options are:

If you format one of those EventID entries improperly, you'll get a not-particularly specific error message dialog. (Perhaps somebody will improve this some day)


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