The Item Palette

The Item Palette is used to place icons and text onto Control Panel Editor panels. The palette is a tabbed window with tabs for each item type. The common method all items use to add an item to a panel is "Drag and Drop". Each tab has a bordered panel labeled Drag to Panel. Drag the item inside this border over to your Panel. In the cases where the icon represents a layout device (e.g. a turnout, a sensor, etc.), you must select a row from a table to associate that particular device with the icon - and then drag the icon to the Panel.

Iconic Items

For those items using icons, multiple sets of icons are offered by the Item Palette. In each of these cases several different icon sets are provided by default. Radio buttons are used to select an icon set.For example, under the sensor tab you may have sets of large jewels, small jewels, each size with several sets with different colors for active and inactive - e.g. red-green, yellow-dark, etc.
The individual icons are displayed in the preview on the background of the last editor to open the Item Palette. since 4.9.7 Choosing a different background in the "View On:" combo box, may help in determining what parts of the icon are opaque and what parts are transparent.

The Show Icons button displays all the icons in the selected set.

Editing and Creating New Icon Sets

The Edit Icons button opens a dialog where the icons may be changed by dragging new icons from the icon catalog.

Additional icon sets may be added with New Icon Set button. After giving a name to the new icon set, the edit dialog is displayed. Replace the red X icons with icons you drag from the catalogs. There is no limit on the number of additional icon sets that can be added to an item tab.

The Delete Icon Set button deletes the selected icon set.

When the Item Palette is customized with other icon sets, closing the Palette with the close button in the title bar will open a dialog box asking whether you want to save your changes. When changes are saved the Item Palette is stored in the CatalogTrees.xml file in the preferences directory.

The Edit Icons dialog is used to delete an icon set or to add an additional icon set. The Delete Icon Set button deletes the selected icon set. When the Add New Icon Set button is pressed, the currently selected icon set is saved and an icon set with "unknown" icons is displayed (Dark X's). Change these icons to those you want by dragging icons from the icon catalog. The new icon set must be named in the text field at the top of the dialog. Finally, press the Create Icon Set button and the dialog is closed with the new icon set added to radio button list.

Table Items

The items associated with a table (eg. Turnouts, Sensors, Lights, Signal Heads) have an Add New Table Item button. This button opens a dialog where a new device item can be added to its table. Include the System Connection prefix and item type in the entry, eg. "IL2".
Tabs with tables require a device to be selected (a row in the table) before the an icon can be dragged to a control panel to represent it.

Item Palette Tabs

More about Indicator Track

Indicator track (i.e. both track segments and turnouts) have colors to display status of the track circuit they represent. When the track circuit is configured by an OBlock, and the Portals and Paths it contains, the following status states are be displayed by color:

Note: Configuring Indicator Track icons can be done in groups automatically - including automatic conversion of regular track icons with Circuit Builder. The only feature where you may want to edit an Indicator Track icon individually is picking the icon that will show the train name marker when the block it represents is occupied under a warrant. (Frequently, several icons display an OBlock and you only want one of them to show the marker.)

Indicator Track Tab

Enter the name of the track circuit (OBlock) this track icon represents into the Occupancy Circuit field. The Open Detector Picklist button opens a picklist showing the defined OBlock track circuits. Drag or copy the name to the Occupancy Circuit field. Do Not use the "Sensor Table" tab of the picklist unless there are no OBlocks configured and you only want to use the "Occupied/Unoccupied" status.

When a valid OBlock name is entered in the Occupancy Circuit field, a CircuitPath panel is added to the tab showing all the paths that have been defined for the OBlock. Check the paths of the track circuit that pass over this icon. When these paths are part of an allocated route or are occupied by a warranted train, they show that status by color.

If the paths were created or edited by Circuit Builder, the above function is done automatically. In the future the above "sub"panel will be made read only.

Below the Occupancy Circuit field is a checkbox labeled Display Train Name when occupied. When a warranted train occupies the track circuit, circuit icons having this box checked, show a marker with the occupying train's id. Most likely, you will only want one of the icons in the track circuit to display the train id.

The Icon Sets radio buttons, the Drag to Panel area the Show Icons, Edit Icons New Icon Set, Delete Icon Set buttons function as described before.

Indicator Turnout Tab

This tab has the same functions as the Indicator Track tab with the addition of a turnout table. A turnout must be selected from the Turnout Table to be able to drag an icon to a control panel.

A slight variation is that there is no [Edit Icons] button. The Add New Icon Set and Delete Icon Set buttons function as described before.

The [Show Icons] button displays the icon set in a matrix where the rows show the status icons for each state of the turnout - Closed, Thrown, Inconsistent, and Unknown. To the right of each row in the matrix is a Edit Icons button. button. These buttons open an Edit Icons dialog for each row of the matrix. The Hide Icons button closes the icon matrix and returns the tab to its original view.

When an Edit Icons button is pressed on a row of the icon display, an edit dialog for the row is opened. The icons can be changed by dragging icons from the Icon Catalog. Also the entire status row can be removed by the Delete Status button - or restored by the Add Missing Status button.