DecoderPro® Manual

Setup JMRI

Getting Started

Using DecoderPro

DecoderPro Programming Modes

The Basic Programmer

The Comprehensive Programmer

Advanced Features

DecoderPro® Main Window

Error Messages

DecoderPro® Main Window

JMRI® Throttle Window - Speed Control Panel


Speed Control Panel

Right Click in the Speed Control Panel space and context menu with Properties is displayed.
Click on Properties and Edit Speed Control Panel window opens.

control edit

Control Panel Properties may be set by right clicking on the Throttle Control Panel(Speed), the Edit Speed Control Panel dialog is displayed. This allows you to select either of the two slider or step speed control

Display Speed Slider(from 0 to 100)-- displays the Throttle Control shown at the left

Display Speed Steps -- displays the Throttle Control shown in the middle

Display shunting speed slider(from 100 to 0 to 100) -- displays the Throttle control shown on the right

Track sider in real time

Switch to contiuous speed slider on function: Enter the function from the Function Panel that you want to use.

Sets the selections

Cancels any settings

speed control

Slider from 0% to 100%

digital control

Speed steps

control 2

Slider 100% to 100%
through 0%

After you have established an address for the throttle, you should be able to run the train on your layout. The Speed Control panel is used to control the speed and direction on your locomotive when the throttle is used to operate on a layout.

The throttle slider controls the speed and indicates the percentage of power from Stop to 100%. Use mouse to drag the slider to the desired speed

Alternately, the slider may be set to STOP in the middle and move to + 100% or to -100% to control locomotive speed.

In the Step mode the up and down arrows control the speed one step at a time, or you may enter a number into the text box area between 0 and the max step indicated.

Forward and Reverse set the locomotives direction.

executes an emergency stop, locomotive stops immediately overriding any BEMF or momentum programmed into the decoder.

stops the locomotive smoothly using any momentum setting programmed into the decoder..
