The Icon Editors

Contents of the Icon Editors

Five of the Icon Editors: (Right Hand Turnout, Left Hand Turnout, Sensor, Signal, MultiSensor) display a group of icons above a table. The table lists all of the JMRI entities of the given type that have been defined. There is one icon for each state the entity can have. The icons shown are the default icons, but you may change them.

Below the table are two buttons, Add to Panel and Change Icon.... The Add to Panel button is inactive until a device is selected from the table. Then it becomes active, and when pressed will install the set of icons into the panel. Pressing the Change Icon button is discussed below.

Two other Icon Editors: (Memory Value and Reporter Value) have no icons and no Change Icon button, but do have tables and an Add to Panel button. You must select an entity from the table before the Add to Panel button becomes active. No icons are displayed for these JMRI entities because pressing Add to Panel installs the value maintained by the entity into the Panel.

Another two Icon Editors: (Background Image and Icon (plain)) display a default icon, but no table, since these elements do not represent a JMRI device. For these elements the Add to Panel button is always active.

The remaining two choices for icons: (RPS Reporter and Fast Clock) install their icons directly into the Panel.

Adding JMRI Entities to the Panel

As mentioned above selecting an entity from the table makes the Add to Panel button active. Pressing this button installs the icons for the entity into the Panel.

If a text field appears below the Add to Panel button it may be used to enter a new entity into the table. When a System Name is entered into this text field, the entity is entity is created, its name entered into the table, and the Add to Panel button becomes active. Pressing the button installs the icons for the new entity into the Panel.

Pressing the Change Icon Button

Pressing this button will add a pane labeled Catalog to the window. It will show one or more "trees" in a scrollable panel. Expanding the tree displays "nodes" or branches of the tree that in turn can be expanded. The nodes correspond to things that are file system directories or are similar to file system directories. Whenever image (icon) files are encountered in a node, the images are displayed in a pane below the Catalog tree(s).

This pane is a "Preview" panel of the contents of the node and has a label that states how many image files have been found. The panel display all the images that it has found in the node. Beneath each image (icon) is a label that states the "scale" at which the image is displayed. "Scale 1:1" indicates the icon is displayed at full size. If a large image file had been found, the scale might be 0.25:1 to indicate that the display is 1/4 the actual size of the image that could be transferred to the Panel.
since 4.9.7Below the icons is a "View On:" combo box that allows you to choose the background to the icons. This may help in determining what parts of the icon are opaque and what parts are transparent. Initially, the current Panel background color is used.

The Catalog pane will always display at least one tree titled "Program Directory". This is the resource directory from the jmri.jar that was built when you installed this current version of JMRI. Other trees that you might see are: "pPreferences Directory", if you have created a "resources" directory within your JMRI preferences directory - or possibly see, "Image Index" if it has been created already (see below for more information).

Changing the Icon

Most Icon Editor operations are done by "Drag and Drop". To change an icon, drag any icon from the node display pane at the bottom of the window (i.e. press down on the mouse button and hold it down while moving the mouse) to any of the JMRI entity icons at the top of the Icon Editor. Release the mouse button after hovering over the icon you want to change and the dragged icon will replace it. You may go to other nodes and drag any of icons found there until you are satisfied with the state icons you want to install into the Panel.

The changes you make to the icons of a JMRI entity can be saved and recalled the next time you use PanelPro by using the menu item Store Image Index in the File menu of the Panel Editor. The Store Image Index menu item also appears in the File menu of the Image Index Editor.

Icon Editor Menus

The Find Icons menu has the following items:

Making New Icons Available to the Panel

You can also create your own icons. There are two ways you can make these permanently available to the Panel Editor.

Changing the Default Icons

The icons displayed when you first open an Icon Editor are the default icons. You may change these defaults by storing icons of your choice to be the default icons for each Icon Editor.