Creating and Editing Warrants

A Warrant contains the information needed to run a train. This includes the DCC address of the locomotive(s), the route train will take, the settings of the turnouts to traverse the route and the throttle commands to use at various points along the route - e.g. speed, when to show lights, sound horns, bells or other sound effects. For an overview discussion of Warrants, see Warrants.

NOTE: Warrants can only be created if the PanelPro configuration has at least two OBlocks defined.

There are three steps in creating a Warrant:

  1. Define the route
  2. Select a train, and
  3. Record the throttle commands.

On the Create/Edit pane are two tabs: Define Route and Record/Playback Script.

Create Warrant pane part 1 in JMRI 4.10

Defining a Warrant Route

Routes are created using the Define Route tab in the Edit Warrant pane.

Origin, Destination, Via and Avoid Blocks

The Origin Block is where a train given this route will start and the starting path within the origin block is the track it is on - e.g. a path named "Departure Track #3" in block named "Main Terminal". Choosing the portal of the path, e.g. portal "West Approach to #3" where the train should exit the origin block determines the direction of the train on the route. A computer algorithm will find portals, paths and blocks needed to take the train to the Destination Block and path - e.g. "Arrival Track #1" in the destination block.

A Warrant route is created by selecting the block and path where the train will begin its trip and the portal by which it should leave. Then you select the block, path and entry portal where the train should end its trip. Press the Calculate Route button and the computer will determine all the intermediate paths needed to make the trip.

Note: The right hand portion of the Create/Edit Warrant pane is a table listing all the OBlocks you have defined. Either the System Name or the User Name of a Block can be dragged and dropped into the Location Block fields on the left hand side of the pane.

Creating the Throttle Command Script

When you are satisfied with the route, the Record/Playback Script tab will be selected for you:
Create Warrant
          pane part 2 in in JMRI 4.10 At the very top are two radio buttons which allow you to select either the Route Table or the Throttle Command Table. The Route Table shows the track circuits (OBlock, Portals and Paths) the warrant defines. The Throttle Command Table shows the throttle commands that will be used when driving the train over the warrant's route. Additional items on this tab allow you pick the engine to power your train and to test and modify the recorded script. Presently the Throttle Commands table is empty. The bottom half displays six outlined areas; Choose Engine Consist, Setect Type, Settings, Learn mode, Run Parameters, and Test Run Train,. The first thing to do is to choose an engine consist.

Choosing a Train

The Train Name field is used to provide a name that can be displayed by an indicator track icon as the train travels along the warrant route. If you have defined an JMRI engine roster, the train names are displayed in the Engine Roster drop down ComboBox. Selecting a name from this list will fill in the Train Name, and Address text fields and assigns them to the warrant.

A DCC address typed into theAddress text field will be used whether or not it is found in the JMRI Engine Roster.

The View Speed Profile button displays a table of the track speeds corresponding to the throttle settings for the addressed locomotive or consist. The speed units can be changed to scale speed.

Noye: A value of "0.000" does not mean zero speed. It means there is no track speed for that throttle setting.

Learn Mode

Throttle commands are created by recording the commands you send to a train while operating it manually from a throttle in Learn Mode. The Prototypical button should be chosen.

Learn Mode Throttle

If a train has been assigned, that is, has a valid DCC address in the warrant, then a throttle can be acquired by pressing the Start button. A screen throttle will be displayed. This throttle will operate the acquired train and all the throttle commands will be recorded until the Stop button is pressed.
Note: It can be inconvenient to use the computer screen Learn Mode throttle. Under LocoNet a handheld throttle may "steal" the screen throttle address and its commands will be recorded. For all other systems a walkaround WiFi throttle can be used to record commands. Whatever throttle is used, start and stop the recording with the screen buttons.

Pressing the Stop button will end the recording.

Note: The train must not be moving when the recording is stopped. When play back of the warrant ends, the train might continue to run without a warrant to control it! After recording a script, check the ending throttle commands to see that the speed is set to 0.0

The learn script should be done with a completely clear route - All turnouts should be set for the route, all blocks unoccupied (except the origin), all signals should be set for clear running and no changes made during the recording period. When the train is run by playing back the script, any changes to signal aspects will be taken into account and the train's speed and scheduled times will be altered accordingly. The recorded speeds and elapsed times should be for unrestricted "Normal" speeds.

In normal operation, when the script is played back, the train will follow the commands as recorded. However if a track condition ahead of it is detected that requires a speed change, the warrant will modify the recorded speed accordingly. When the warrant makes such a speed change it "ramps" the change in small steps to give a more prototypical smooth look to the change. When decreasing speed it calculates and issues these step-wise speed changes so that the required speed is achieved just at the point where the speed limit must be enforced. When increasing speed it begins a similar "ramp up" when entering the block permitting the speed increase. Warrant Speed Changes has details about how warrants modify recorded speeds.

Run Parameters

This area has check boxes to modify how the train will operate when running the Warrant.

Using the "Don't Ramp" or "Elapsed Time" options are the only cases where block path lengths and engine speed factors are not necessary.

Run Mode

After a script is recorded, pressing the AutoRun button in the Test Run Train box will send the throttle commands to the train specified in the warrant.

NOTE:Be sure that the train is located on the Path of the Origin block of the route and the direction of the engine is compatible with the first direction specified in the throttle commands.

The Status field will display each block entered by the train as it traverses the route.

The Test Run Train box has four radio buttons to control the train and override the Throttle commands.

Saving the Warrant

When you are satisfied with the performance of the warrant, press the Save button to add the warrant to the Warrant Table.

Throttle Command Table

The Throttle Command Table has the following columns: The recorded throttle commands execute according to the elapsed time between commands. The entry into each block is recorded with a "NoOp" marker. These markers are used to synchronize the elapsed time of the automatic running of the train when it enters a block. This reset is done so events recorded in the block occur according to the elapsed time in the block.

Synchronizing Commands to Block boundaries.

In spite of attempting to maintain the recorded track speed, changing the consist of a train or perhaps even a temperature change between recording and playback, may result in the train not performing a throttle command at exactly the same place on the on the route where the "Learn Mode" train recorded them.

The throttle commands of the next block will be delayed until the train enters the block. That is, the elapsed time of the NoOp command must be reached before any more commands are issued to the running train. This will be the case if the train is late in arriving at the block. On the other hand if the train arrives earlier than expected the remaining commands of the preceding block are executed in fractions of a second to catch up.

If a more precise way is needed to have a script event occur at a particular location, see the section Internal Synchronization From External Events below.

Editing Recorded Throttle Commands

Most of the columns in the Throttle Command Table can be edited. Perhaps you want to touch up the timing for the horn blasts or modify the speeds. Just enter the data you want. The values in the Throttle Command Table are changed by typing new entries into cells of the table.

Rows may be inserted or deleted from the table using the buttons to the right of the table. Note that an inserted row has 0 elapsed time from the previous command so you may want to adjust this by taking time away from either the previous row or the following row and entering it into the inserted row. Also, when a row is deleted, its elapsed time is added to the time of the following row. These default elapsed times for inserting and deleting rows are entered to keep the total elapsed time in the block constant.

Some caution should be taken to only make modest changes since new commands when executed in playback could cause dramatic events. It may be wiser to re-record the commands in a new Learn Mode session if major changes are made.

Track Speeds

Recording the track speeds in the Speed column was added in Release 4.9.2. On playback, if possible, the warrant uses track speed to make the throttle setting. For this to be done, a speed profile is needed for the locomotive/consist running the warrant. The feature helps compensate for changes in the size of the train or different address of the power, by attempting to produce the same track speed. Lacking a speed profile, the recorded throttle setting is used. In Release 4.9.4 the scripted throttle setting is not modified by the track speed. (i.e. the above is a 4.9.2 feature only)

The DCC address used in the recording is the "standard power" of the warrant. To base the track speeds on a different address or roster entry, select that entry and press the Add Speeds button. Warrants recorded before Release 4.9.2 can be upgraded this way.

NOTE:Recording track speeds in warrants makes panels saved with Release 4.9.2 fail to load with earlier versions of JMRI. However, Recorded track speeds can be set to "0.000" by selecting no address or roster entry then pressing Add Speeds. Saving the panel now will allow it to be loaded by earlier versions.

Triggering External Events From Scripts

External animation or other events may be triggered by entering a "Set Sensor" command. To do this, insert a row with the words Set Sensor in the Command column and a valid sensor name in the Block column. The Value column should have the action you want the sensor to take at its execution time. That is enter the words active or inactive. Also enter the elapsed time when to trigger the setting of the sensor. On playback when this command is executed the state of the sensor will be set.

Internal Synchronization From External Events

Additional synchronization can be done within a block. For example stopping a train at a water tower or over an uncoupling device or for any reason where using the elapsed time of a command is not precise enough. To do this, insert a row with the words Wait Sensor in the Command column and a valid sensor name in the Block column. The Value column should have the action words active or inactive. On playback when this command is executed the script is suspended and the current movement of the train is sustained until the sensor changes to the specified state. When that happens the script continues to execute according to the recorded times. In this case the "Wait Sensor" might be an optical sensor positioned to detect specific point. Bracket the "Wait Sensor" command with speed commands, the one before with a very slow speed and the one after with speed 0 (or -1). The script will then have the train creep at the slow speed until the sensor makes the detection. Then the script continues and the speed 0 command stops the train.

The script and train will stay stopped until a second "Wait Sensor" command triggers the script to continue.

Note: Care must be taken when using this command. To be clear, the following is a sample script segment.

# ET(msec) Command Value Block or Sensor Name
10 1000 speed 0.1111 OB_WEST_YARD
11 1000 speed 0.05 OB_WEST_YARD
12 0 Wait Sensor Active IS_STOP_TRAIN
13 0 speed 0.0 OB_WEST_YARD
14 10 Wait Sensor Inactive IS_STOP_TRAIN
15 0 speed 0.1111 OB_WEST_YARD

The train continues the speed of Command #11 until the sensor at command #12 changes to active. If already active, the train continues to move. Command #13 stops the train and it remains stopped until the sensor at command #14 changes to inactive.

Automatic Sequencing of Scripts

since 3.11.1

It is possible to start another script from a script. To do this, insert a row with the words Run Warrant in the Command column and name of a warrant in the Block column. This command launches the second warrant. Note that a train with the address specified in the second warrant must be placed in the starting block of the second warrant.

This feature can be used to loop a train repeatedly by using the same warrant name. If a script terminates with the destination block equal to the origin block, it will repeat for the number of times entered into the Value column. If a negative number is entered the script will repeat indefinitely until an abort command is manually issued. Another possibility would be to use warrant "from A to B" and warrant "from B to A", where warrant "from A to B" runs warrant "from B to A" and warrant "from B to A" runs warrant "from A to B" and each Warrant specifies the same train ID and the same number of repeats.

Script Commands

Command Value Block or Sensor Name
Forward true/false block name direction
Fn true/false block name any function key
F0 true/false block name e.g. head light
Speed decimal block name throttle setting
Set Sensor active/inactive Sensor name sets a sensor
Wait Sensor active/inactive Sensor name halts commands for a sensor
Run Warrant integer Warrant name chains to another warrant

Running Trains on Dark Blocks

The Learn mode and Run Mode functions can be used on blocks that do not have detection sensors. However, without detection, other than the initial setting of turnouts, the warrant cannot reset the turnouts or modify its speed while the train is en route. This means there is no protection from rogue trains fouling the route or from turnouts being changed while the train is en route. Therefore, run trains with caution over Dark Blocks.

Note that entry into a Dark Block is detected differently than an Occupancy Block. Obviously, entry into an occupancy Block is recorded when the occupancy block detects occupancy. However entry into a Dark Block can only be recorded when the previous occupancy Block shows no occupancy. That is, the elapsed time for entry into a Dark Block is recorded by the tail of the train entered the dark, not the head.

Save etc.

At the bottom of the Create Warrant pane three buttons let you:

Back to Warrants Help.