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JMRI provides powerful tools for working with your layout.

Layout Automation

JMRI: Advanced Icons in PanelPro

Memory Icons

Memory objects are meant for scripting control; the first implementation is a MemoryIcon that lets you put a multi-state icon on the screen.

MemoryIcon objects work two ways: If a series of icons is defined in the file, the memory contents will be translated via this table (this was the original behavior). If there aren't any icons defined, the memory contents is displayed directly, as a string if it's a String and as a NamedIcon if it's a NamedIcon.

See xml/samples/MemoryIconExample.xml for info on how to set this up.

Reporter Icons

The first implementation of Reporter is Digitrax transponding. By adding the appropriate elements to your Panel files, you can show decoder ID information on your Panels.

A Reporter's value can be displayed on a Panel via an icon. To do this:

See xml/samples/ReporterIconExample.xml for info on how to set this code up by hand.

It's actually not as hard as it sounds.